pie chart

The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
The pie chart shows the amount of money that a children's charity located in the USA spent and received in one year, 2016.  Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
The pie charts demonstrate the measure of income and consumptions in 2016 for a youngsters' philanthropy in the USA. In general, it very well may be seen that gave nourishment represented most of the salary, while program administrations represented the most consumption. Add up to income sources just surpassed outgoings. 

In detail, gave sustenance gave the majority of the income to the philanthropy, at 86%. Also, with respect to consumptions, one class, program administrations, represented about the majority of the outgoings, at 95.8%. 

Alternate classifications were a lot littler. Network commitments, which were the second biggest income source, acquired 10.4% of generally salary, and this was trailed by program income, at 2.2%. Venture salary, government gifts, and other pay were little wellsprings of income, representing just 0.8% consolidated. 

There were just two other use things, gathering pledges and the executives and general, representing 2.6% and 1.6% individually. The aggregate sum of pay was $53,561,580, which was sufficiently only to cover the consumptions of $53,224,896.

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