It is often said that people over the age of 60 should not work anymore because of the problems they create, that employers should make them retire. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your opinion.

In a lot of countries, 60 is the mandatory retirement age. It is as if people this age are outmoded, ready for replacement. Personally, I think that our senior citizens should not be written off; they can still be very productive members of society.
The biggest issue raised against older people is their declining physical abilities. That they are not as quick on their toes as they used to be; their endurance is noticeably less. But while bodily functions at this age are not at their optimum, the mind is not. While they may not as physically competitive, their acquired wisdom goes a long way towards solving problems or managing situations that would rattle younger people. Many of the greatest minds in our planet scientists like Einstein and world leaders such as Churchill, worked beyond their sexagenarian age.
Secondly, some say that the information and knowledge of senior workers is obsolete. In this day and age where the computer reigns supreme, they cannot compete with the quick developments in technology, something at which the majority of fresh graduates are proficient in. The answer to this is training. Nobody is born knowing anything. Employers should give them the benefit of the doubt; train them properly and our elders might just surprise you.
To end, ability and know-how does not automatically deteriorate with age. As long as a person is competent and has the will to contribute, then age should not be a barrier. Youth may have its energy, but age brings wisdom.

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